Wednesday, April 13, 2011

More thoughts on Flickr

I do a small bit of programming at our library (a small bit - I just don't have time to assemble bigger things), and quite a few displays. Flickr is a nice way to show those off, but for me, it's even more awesome as a way to get ideas for things to do here.

The University of Chicago has a repository of the graffiti in one of their libraries - not something we would encourage our students to do, but it's fascinating to see what they leave uninvited.

We did a small event for National Gaming Day (who knew Monopoly would be more popular than the Wii?) - for ideas to build on for it, there are tons of examples.

Banned Books Week is always a popular display here, I think partly because so many of the titles that make the 100 most challenged lists are titles that a lot of our students have read, or at least heard of. The books don't change a lot from year to year, though, so new ideas for displays or events are always helpful.

Next time I'm planning a display or event (which may be a couple months, since we'll be under construction again all summer), Flickr is something I'll hit up for ideas.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the UChicago graffiti link! For several years my son has had the career aspiration to be a grafitti remover, so he will be very interested in the site.
