Thursday, April 21, 2011

A picture is, as they say, worth a thousand words

My folks' power is out right now (and may be through Easter), so they don't have internet or anything. (Or water - they're on a well, and no power means no well pump.) Mom called yesterday to tell me about a barn that they lost from the bad storms; I thought it was much worse than this:

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Goodreads, day 2

Hm, I deviated from my 3-5 page average yesterday and rambled on quite a bit.

I poked around goodreads a bit more since Polly friended me (thanks, Polly!), and I looked through all the friend suggestions it gave me (since now we had a friend in common). There were a lot of names I've seen from both this project and various mailing lists, which was a nice reminder that the library world has a 6-degrees-of-separation thing going on.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Thing 4: Online Communities

Given which of the online communities (goodreads) I'm looking at for this week's Thing, a couple of confessions are in order:

Firstly, I don't read for pleasure nearly as much as I used to. There are a lot of reasons for that, but what disrupted my habit the most was eight years of college. When I do stumble upon a series I like, I tend to inhale it. (By inhale, I mean multiple books in a day/nothing else gets done/oh, did you want supper? kind of reading.)

Secondly, I didn't actually join goodreads for this Thing.

No, I signed up Friday because Felicia Day linked hers on Twitter in response to a review, published on the New York Times' website, of the new "A Game of Thrones" series on t.v. (If you don't know who Felicia Day is, this is one place to start.) If you don't have a digital subscription to the Times and don't want to use one of your 15 free articles for this month, basically, there's a point where the reviewer suggests that all the sexual content in the HBO series is to attract female viewers, since the reviewer doesn't know of any woman who prefers fantasy over romance as a genre.